Wednesday 5 March 2008

Reasons not to go for classes.

Ah, Autumn.

To be fair, Autumn's long gone.

Spring should be on its way but the weather's being its usual bitchy self. Sunny days seem to be colder than cloudy ones. And we're actually at the stage where we have all four seasons in a day.

Only in the UK.

A friend and I were disscussing weather gods the other day, friend decided that the weather god in charge of the UK must be a woman. The friend who said this, of course, is male.

I shall now blame the weather for my constant state of pms.

But I'm a nice person. Really! =D

And I can always find other excuses besides piles of leaves not to go to class.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's 101 reasons to skip classes; but the thought of my very presence in the UK cost an average of about £60, I started to think otherwise.