Tuesday 4 March 2008

This is not a fast-food joint.

Yes I work at a bar. Part time. The extra money helps.

CluelessCustomer: I'd like a Coke.
BakerGirl: Pint or 1/2 pint?
CluelessCustomer: Medium Coke.
BakerGirl: We only have pint and 1/2 pints.
CluelessCustomer: Oh. 1/2 pint then.
BakerGirl: *Trying to smile but probably grimacing* Any ice and lemon with that?

Ok, so maybe it's just a student union bar. But it's still a bar not a movie theatre concession stand. Not a McDs. Sheesh.

It's a bar, dammint. And I think it's a nice one too, for student standards.



Anonymous said...

Ahahaha. Bartender stories are always fun.

Anyone try to pick you up? (those stories are always fun too)

And, Since it's a *student* bar I shan't ask about the expectedly uninspiring tips.. I'll just ask, who's the tipsiest you've ever come across?

BakerGirl said...

friedsquid: aha...of course there were.. and the stories will all come in due time.

a fat dude did try to strip in front of the bar once though. there's a combintion to partly answer both questions.

that's all you get for now.

KY said...

I want my free refill!

BakerGirl said...

ky: oh you're welcome to a free refill... of tap water.

Anonymous said...

Never have anyone asked whether you want a half pint or having a tiny slice of lemon with the coke ever here!!! They will just sell you the most profitable combination.

anyway, just popping by.

BakerGirl said...

mrbherng: ah, i'm fairly certain that there's profit to be made, even with 1/2 pints.

thanks for stopping by!